Common Mortgage Loan Modification Scams!

Loan modifications are changing every day. Here are some of the most common loan modification scams out there today.

Phony Counseling or Foreclosure Rescue Scams
The scam artist poses as a counselor and tells you he can negotiate a deal with your lender to modify your loan or save your house ……… (read more —>)

Fake “Government” Modification Programs
Some scammers may claim to be affiliated with, or approved by, the government, or they may ask you to pay high, up-front fees to “qualify” for government mortgage modification programs. The scammer’s company name and Website may sound like a real government agency, but the Website may end with .com or .net instead of .gov. You may also see terms like “federal,” “HAMP,” “MHA,” “HARP” or other words related to official U.S. government programs.

Contact your lender first. Your lender will be able to tell you if you qualify for any government programs to prevent foreclosure or modify your loans. And you do not have to pay to benefit from these programs ………. (read more —>)

Forensic Loan Audit
The scammer who may be called a forensic or mortgage loan “auditor” offers to review your mortgage loan documents to determine ……….. (read more —>)

Mass Joinder Lawsuit
The scam artist, usually a lawyer, law firm or a marketing partner, will promise that they can force your lender to modify your loan. ……… (read more —>)

The scam artist convinces you to sign documents for a “new loan modification” ………. (read more —>)

Rent-to-Own or Leaseback Scheme
A scammer urges you to surrender the title or deed of your home as part of a deal that will let you stay in your home as a renter ……….. (read more —>)

Short Sale Scam
Scammers, sometimes called “short sale negotiators” or “short sale processors,” may promise ………… (read more —>)

A short sale may be a legitimate option for a homeowner in default or homeowner who is current yet the value of the home has fallen — if the lender agrees to the short sale. But homeowners should only work with a licensed real estate professional or licensed real estate attorney ………. (read more —>)

Bankruptcy to Avoid Foreclosure
The scammer may promise to negotiate with your lender or get refinancing on your behalf if …………. (read more —>)

Resource Links (click below):

U.S. Dept of Housing & Urban Development,

Loan Modification Scam Alert:
Prevent Loan Scams:
Homeowners’ HOPE Hotline: